The Truth About Your Tooth

Darren Hughes

Living With Sleep Apnea Disorder? How A Dentist Can Help

If you are currently living with sleep apnea, it's important to know that you are definitely not alone. Estimates show that approximately 26 percent of adults between the ages of 30 and 70 live with the disorder and it's certainly not an ailment to ignore. Sleep apnea causes breathing to start and stop repeatedly while you are asleep and this can have some serious imp

If Grinding Is Giving You TMJ, Your Dentist Can Help

Teeth grinding is something that many people do, whether they're aware of it or not. Maybe you've noticed during a stressful situation that you've been clamping your mouth shut. Alternatively, you might wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or a tight temporomandibular joint. If this has happened to you and you're looking for a solution, your dentist may be able to p

Dental Implants And Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common problem for many Americans. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to severe tooth loss, but a dental implant can help. Before you can start the procedure, however, you'll need healthy gums and a healthy jawbone. If you would like to know more, keep reading. Treat Your Gum Disease Before you can get dental implants, your dentist will want y

Overlooked Dental Care Tips

Caring for your teeth can be an important part of your overall self-care routine. However, you may not be following the best practices when it comes to dental care and this can put you at a greater risk of encountering significant dental issues in the future. Care For Your Gums One common oral health mistake that people can make will involve failing to care for their

Getting Ready For Your Next Dental Check-Up

The way to avoid serious dental problems is to take charge of things proactively. Your dentist likes to see you every once in a while for a check-up and a professional cleaning and it's not just because they miss you. If it's been a minute since your last cleaning or you've been quarantined for far too long, read on and be prepared to make the most of your next appoin