The Truth About Your Tooth

The Truth About Your Tooth

How Botox Injections Could Help Your Bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is more than a bad habit. If left unchecked, it can lead to oral health issues. This habit causes premature wear on your enamel, so a person with bruxism is more prone to developing tooth sensitivity, gum recession, cavities, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues. To treat bruxism, a dentist might recommend Botox injections. Read on to l

3 Scenarios When Tooth Extractions Make The Most Sense

A tooth extraction is never the go-to solution for a dentist. It is instead an option that is only considered when all other methods have been exhausted. So, contrary to what some people might believe, your dentist wants to keep you with your teeth. However, again, sometimes the procedure is absolutely necessary. 1. Overcrowding Another myth associated with tooth extr

4 Dental Treatments To Protect Your Child's Baby Teeth

No matter how old your child is, it's never too late to protect their teeth with preventative dental care. Children start to lose their milk teeth at about 5–6 years old. This process continues until somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12 years old. By keeping your child's milk teeth healthy, you can prevent overcrowding and crookedness issues, which often require co

Are Invisalign Braces Right For You?

Do you ever wish you had straighter, nicer teeth? You can have a nicer smile with braces, but which type should you get? Many people turn to Invisalign braces, and you might wonder if these are right for you. You can determine if this is a good option to consider by reading this guide, as it discusses the top ways to know if Invisalign is right for you. You don't want

3 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Dental Paresthesia

Dental paresthesia refers to altered sensation in and around the oral cavity. You might experience dental paresthesia as a side effect of dental treatment, such as dental extractions, surgeries, and injections. The condition usually resolves itself after some time but can also be permanent. Below are three major ways to limit your risk of dental paresthesia. 1. Get Ea