Veneers can create the illusion of a perfect smile with little to no time needed in the dental chair. In most cases, veneers provide years of effortless use with little to no problems whatsoever. Read on to find out about what can happen when veneers do give wearers problems and how to avoid or fix them.
Overall Veneer Guidelines
Veneers trade a bit of their convenience for longevity. The more you take care of your teeth, however, the longer your veneers will last. When things go wrong with a veneer, it usually down to these issues:
Extra Wear on Chewing Surfaces
Your eating habits could negatively affect the wear of your veneers. Try to avoid doing the following to provide yourself with a longer-lasting smile:
Keep Your Mouth Healthy
The usual guidelines about regular check-ups and having professional cleanings are more important than ever when you have veneers. You may remember that your dentist worked with you to create a healthy environment in your mouth before the veneers were applied. Unfortunately, some people don't attend to their dental hygiene and cavities can form between the veneer and the natural tooth. This type of cavity can be more difficult to catch while there's still time to save the tooth. When decay occurs, the veneer may show damage and peeling. In most cases, a new veneer is in order once the tooth is restored.
How to Fix Your Damaged Veneer Issue
The age of your veneers and the reasons for the damage can influence the route your dentist takes to help you once again achieve a bright smile. In some cases, veneers can be repaired and affixed once again to your teeth. If the adhesive has failed, the veneer can often be put back on using fresh cement. Minor cracks in veneers can also be repaired. If the tooth has decayed underneath the veneer, it will usually need to be replaced due because the restoration of the natural tooth depends on the removal of the old veneer and adhesive.
See your dentist right away and have your veneer problems addressed in a timely manner.
For more details on veneers, reach out to a local dental service.