The Truth About Your Tooth

Can Braces Break Your Nail Biting Habit?

If you bite your nails, you likely already know that doing so can contribute to your teeth becoming crooked. Getting braces is a good way to reverse the damage done to your teeth, but can they help to stop you from biting your nails? Here's what you should know.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are the golden standard for straightening teeth, but that doesn't mean that they're capable of everything.

Unfortunately, many people who bite their nails continue to do so while they're being treated with braces. There's nothing inherent to the braces that prevent you from biting your nails. To make matters worse, if you continue to bite your nails while wearing braces, it can slow down your treatment, meaning you'll need braces for longer.

Invisible Braces

Now, invisible braces are a different matter. Traditional braces sit on your teeth with brackets and wires, but invisible braces wrap your teeth in a clear plastic aligner. You're expected to wear this aligner around the clock, only taking it off to eat and brush your teeth.

What makes invisible braces special in this situation is that it's nearly impossible to bite your nails while wearing them. The soft, curved plastic takes away the edge of your tooth, making it hard to bite through anything hard, especially a fingernail. Since you'll be wearing your invisible braces for at least 20 hours a day, while you may still have the urge to bite, you won't actually be able to do it. This can be extremely beneficial in breaking this bad habit, as you'll likely be wearing invisible braces for at least a few months depending on your alignment needs.

What to Expect

Getting invisible braces is a very easy process. You start out by talking with an orthodontist or dentist, and from there, X-rays and molds of your teeth are taken. These are used to manufacture your invisible braces.

After that, it's really as easy as coming back in to have the first pair of invisible braces fitted to ensure that they work right. After that, all you need to do is to take them home with you and wear the pair as long as directed. Then, when your orthodontist says it's time, you switch to a new pair that will continue straightening your teeth.

By getting invisible braces, you'll not only end up with a smile you can be proud of but you may very well break a bad habit that's been bothering you for years. If giving up this bad habit is part of your goal, skip traditional braces and go with invisible ones instead.

To learn more, contact a resource like Moles & Ferri Orthodontic Specialists .